How to leverage AI to get to the insights of a research paper faster
How to leverage AI to get to the insights of a research paper faster

We know the purpose of a research paper is to offer a unique perspective. They are not structured to be reviewed but to showcase the need, rationale, approach and impact of the research. This means the information that you need to understand the author’s claims, arguments or details of the approach may be scattered throughout the document.
Finding this information is not always easy and makes it difficult to focus when trying to critically read and review literature.
Now imagine, being able to deconstruct a research paper and re-organise it into sections, such as the assumptions, novelty, evaluation setup, methodologies, observations, speculations, so you can find the relevant insights and salient points faster.
Would you use the time you save searching to review more papers or would you complete your literature review faster?
RAx uses advanced algorithms to identify, collate and organise the content of a research paper into sections that are pertinent to reviewing literature, so you can:
- Reduce wasted reading time on irrelevant papers
- Get to the insights faster and focus on critical reading
- Recap key points without having to re-read a paper
It’s not summarising the paper, it’s using AI to collate the insights, so you don’t lose the details, but instead see them together in one place.
Let’s look at some scenarios based on the following research paper:
SimDoc: Topic Sequence Alignment based Document Similarity Framework
- Word count: 6,254
- 2 tables
- 1 image
Scenario 1 – Decide what to read
84% of the students we surveyed state Methodology is one of the triggers that makes them want to read a paper more comprehensively. So, how easy is it to find this information and to what level of detail?
From the abstract you can see that it is a novel approach, with a summary of the methods used. However with AI, you can collate the 40+ different statements across the paper that relate to the methodology, what was evaluated, assumptions and why this methodology was used.
So if you want to know more than the abstract, without committing to reading this paper in full, you can read all of the insights about methodology in less than 6 minutes.
Scenario 2 – Critically or comprehensively read
Critical reading can be intense; comprehending, questioning and evaluating what you read. It’s likely that you’ll want to read and re-read the important details and so having the details collated into sections will help you to save time and stay focussed.
In this research paper example, RAx collates the insights into the following sections, making it easy to see the context, as well as evaluate different aspects.
Scenario 3 – Recap and recall information
I’m sure you’ve been there, that feeling of deja vu. You’ve read something similar before, but can’t remember where? 90% of the people we surveyed say that it happens to them.
4 main reasons for revisiting research papers
Here’s where AI can help you to recall information. If you are returning, there’s a reason why, whether that’s to recap specific aspects, connect the dots or identify the gaps. You have a purpose and need to find specific information. Being able to access the details and get straight to what you need, without having to re-read the paper, saves time and helps you to stay productive.
You can leverage AI to get to the insights of a research paper faster. Advanced algorithms collate the details into sections, to make it easier for you to find what you need to critically review literature.